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XRF Practical and Easy

This course focuses on the practical use of XRF but also gives an insight in the theoretical aspect of the method. It is suited for both beginners in XRF and experts that want to expand their knowledge in XRF and XRF sample preparation.


What you will learn:

This course is separated into two parts. The first part is dealing with the theory and basic principles of XRF. Instrument technology (comparison WDXRF and EDXRF), application development , calibrations and more are described here. In the second part, the focus lies on the practical use of XRF and the sample preparation . It explains parameters and effects like the particle size effects that influence the analytical result and shows different kinds of preparation techniques with their advantages and disadvantages. 

What you will get:

• unlimited access to this course

• this course as a digital reference book for XRF questions

• access to the questions and answers forum for further assistance

• a certificate for successfully completing the course

This course is suitable for beginners of XRF and therefore there are no requirements. Basic understanding of chemistry is recommended.

Content of this course (example):

Training in Calibration, Reference Materials, Software:

  • • Calibration of XRF
  • • Selecting Calibration Samples
  • • Calibration Models
  • • Matrix Correction
  • • Drift Correction
  • • Principle of EDXRF and WDXRF
  • • X-Ray Safety Procedures
  • • Use of Reference Materials
  • • Certificates

Training in XRF Sample Preparation:

  • • Sample Preparation for Liquids
  • • Sample Preparation for Pressed Powders
  • • Sample Preparation for Fused Beads
  • • Theory Particle Size and Matrix Effects
  • • Presentation of Different Binders, Grinding Aids and Fluxes
  • • Special Applications

Teachers of this course:

Dr. Rainer Schramm
PhD chemist and managing director of FLUXANA® with over 25 years of experience in XRF.

I created this course which is based on my book "X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis: Practical and Easy" to give newcomers to XRF a better understanding of the technology. We will continue to update this course to include key trends such as automation and manufacturing reference materials."

Konstantin Brendgens
Trained chemist and calibration expert with over 10 years of experience installing and training calibrations around the world.

I have already trained the basics of this course frequently in seminars and lectures, and I am glad that we can now reach users of XRF anywhere and at any time. Please use our forums to ask questions or help us improve and expand this course.

You can choose to pay for this course by contacting us directly via email (info@fluxana.com) or by using the PayPal options below for instant access. Please contact us if you require an official invoice by FLUXANA® for your order.

Access is limited to one user but not limited in time.

Skill Level: Beginner

This course requires a payment for entry.

Cost: EUR 339.00

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